Dedicated to the Discovery of Excellence in each child.
Class Two
A Class of Growing Independence
In class two, the children are encouraged to develop their independence. They are taught to become more responsible for their own possessions and for their own learning.
When their formal work is finished for the day, the children do group activities using pattern blocks, multilink, iPads, etc, whilst the teachers listen to individuals reading. Every child reads to an adult three or four times a week.
Class two visit the university sports’ hall each week during the autumn, spring and first half of the summer term. They enjoy the freedom of space and the responsibility of walking sensibly with the teachers to the university across the road.

Exploring Owl Pellets
Class Two are particularly fascinated by nature and were thrilled to be given the opportunity to explore the inside of owl pellets! It was fascinating to see all the tiny bones of mice that the owls had eaten!
Jackson Pollack Artwork
After spending quite a bit of time studying the work of the artist, Jackson Pollack, we had a go at creating our own pictures. What do you think?