The children have been working hard all Autumn to raise a whopping £1,375 for Guide Dogs. Charlotte and her ex-guide dog, Tina, came to meet the children and find out how much they had raised. Charlotte was overwhelmed by the children's hard work and the parents' generosity. We have now ... Read More
Dedicated to the Discovery of Excellence in each child.
Rachel Gray
Classes 3 and 4 visited the University recently to take part in a workshop on life-saving skills, specifically using CPR. They learnt a lot of valuable information and were all keen to have a go at trying out their new skills.
November 20, 2023Rachel Gray
We are so proud of the Fletewood School choir who, this weekend, joined the Plymouth Philharmonic Choir to sing Andrew Carter's Benedicite. They sounded amazing and were an absolute credit to the school. Well done, boys and girls. You were all incredible!
June 26, 2023Rachel Gray