Dedicated to the Discovery of Excellence in each child.
Class Two homework support
Here are some ideas to further support your child's learning.
Dear Parents,
This week the children will be having intensive phonics revision. We will revisit all of the vowel and consonant sounds (phonemes) and the letters used to write them (graphemes). We will continue to learn the common exception words for Years 1 and 2 and we will be doing a lot of grammar practise across the week. Our main objectives will be: starting sentences in a variety of different ways; adding conjunctions such as so, and, or, because, when, then etc, to join 2 or more ideas in our sentences; creating expanded noun phrases such as “Hulk, the enormously strong, green superhero with massive muscles” to add more detail in our writing and throughout all of this learning we will also focus on correctly punctuating sentences.
In Mathematics we will continue to learn about multiplication and division. Please encourage the children to practise what they have learnt using TT Rockstars, IXL and the plethora of games available on Topmarks games, including my favourite – Hit the Button.
Kind regards,
Mrs. Cooper